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✌Lii Kay✌
| 9 ghjorni fà
Ùn sò micca per quessa ch'ella avia da ligà u so fidanzatu cusì, chì faria ellu s'ellu era e so mani libere ? Avìa arrubbatu i capelli di u rossu o impeditu à u so fidanzatu di caccià u so cazzo da i pantaloni ? Sò sicuru ch'ellu s'era assittatu tranquillamente cù e mani libere ancu.
| 31 ghjorni fà
Filmed just great - machine and cock close-up enters the anus! Not the anus, but just a tunnel when it turns around. The dick is of course a very big size, not every lady can take it in the front! When the lady is on top it seems that she is just about to be torn in half by such a powerful dick. And she even found the strength to smile after such a sex, it is unbelievable.
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Li hà datu un bellu passaghju nantu à u so cazzo, un veru prufessore ! È a bionda ùn l'hà micca fatta ancu à livellu dilettante !